Exhibition of the Big Draw Illustrations on at Scarborough Art Gallery
I’m very proud of this exhibition which has just gone up in Scarborough Art Gallery. On until 14th May this is a selected exhibition of work produced by the children in the Big Draw workshops that I ran at the end of last year. The illustrations drawn by a mix of Year 2 – Year […]
Workshops at Yorkshire Fossil Festival
I’ve been asked to run some sand sculpture workshops over two days this weekend for the Yorkshire Fossil Festival #yorksfossilfest. This year it is held at the Rotunda Museum and I’ll be on the beach just below the Museum.
Enchanted Forest Exhibition
The ‘Enchanted Forest’ exhibition has just gone up in the community gallery at Scarborough Art Gallery, this is an exhibition of work created in workshops which I have run with various groups for Scarborough Museums Trust. Home School Educators, the Saturday ‘Make It’ Art Club and different School Groups all have work on display.
Portraiture Workshops at Scarborough Art Gallery
I’ve been running portraiture workshops with some school groups for Scarborough Museums Trust in the Art Gallery. These have been very inspiring and great fun.
EVENT – Art KO! Museums at Night Rumpus. The Bout
In the ring with Tigger Watts, Thompson The Terror of the Tyne’s knockout moment A couple of pics from the ART KO! MUSEUMS AT NIGHT RUMPUS event on Friday evening in the foyer of Scarborough Art Gallery. I was in the ring taking on Scarborough Museums Trusts – Tigger Watts. I won the round, yay! […]
EXHIBITION – Fears, Foes & Faeries
Some Photos of the commissioned Charmology Head in the Fears, Foes & Faeries exhibition currently running at Scarborough Art Gallery. There’s only a couple of weeks left of this exhibition so hurry along to see the pink mustachioed charmer of a man in real life (he looks better in real life!). The exhibition finishes on […]