Works going into the Crafts Council Collections
I have some of my artworks going into the Crafts Council collections. A GOVESHY Bust for the main collection and a Porcelain Sandwich for the handling collection. Great News!
Publicity Photographs in the Museums Gardens and the Treasurer’s House
Spent the afternoon in the Museum Gardens with Yorkshire Museum Manager Gary Bateson, taking publicity photographs for the porcelain sandwiches. Then onto the Treasure’s House to meet with Visitor Services Manager Lisa Holden for more of the same. This followed on from my packed out artists talk at Kings Manor. Brilliant Day! Photos: Ian McKinley […]
York Curiouser Exhibition
York Curiouser kicks off next weekend. My comissioned artwork ‘Porcelain Sandwiches’ will be set out in the Yorkshire Museum Gardens, Treasurer’s House Gardens, Kings Manor, The York Walls and Peasholme Green.
Crafts Council – #todayimmaking
The Crafts Council very kindly covered me on their #todayimmaking feature. Thanks guys. Today I’m making Porcelain Sandwiches for York Curiouser, an upcoming exhibition which will see 300 of these sandwiches ‘left’ around York.